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A Transport Stream, also referred to as or MPEG-2 TS or simply TS, is a special format for transmitting MPEG (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, or MPEG-4) video muxed with other streams. It's commonly used for digital television and across networks, including the internet. Salala Mobile Songs Free Download Mp3. Unlike Programs Streams, which are optimized for efficient storage and assume the decoder has access to the entire stream for synchronization purposes, Transport Streams are designed for delivering data in real time over unreliable transport media, to a device which is assumed to start reading data from some point after the beginning of transmission.

In order to accommodate this, extra timestamps must be added to the stream at a regular interval, with synchronization of various packets (chunks of elementary streams) set relative to the most recent timestamp instead of a single point at the beginning of the file like a Program Stream. There are two major variants of MPEG-2 TS. If multiple programs, which are sets of video and other intended to play together, are muxed into the TS it's called an MPTS, or Multiple Program Transport Stream. This is generally used for more traditional broadcasting like or over the air.
After the decoder receives the TS it can only the streams for the program it's playing, and ignore streams for other programs. If only a single program is muxed into a TS it's considered an SPTS or Single Program Transport Stream. SPTS streams generally serve two purposes.