Isaitamil Sun Tv Serials Songs

The scene shifts to a man with two sons.the elder son, Balu looks at Punithas picture and put jewellery to her pic, and are in 'dreamland' when his dad call out for him.his dad (its played by Visu)coughs a lot cause of the smoke from the kitchen where he tries to make rasam and want Balu to do the cooking.but Baly refuse since he is tired after his trip. Csc Orion 18 Crack Free Download. so the father call out for the younger son who is 'Kaushik' donno his onscreen name.he sits outside the house and wash dishes and pans. Punithas 2nd sister teach kids maths and sing a 'dosa' song Punitha hear them silently.balu also arrives there and watch the scene silently Punitha ask one of the girls, who does all the work at her home, bring her to the doc when she gets sick, help her with the homework.girl reply 'amma'.Punitha then ask why she want to give her dad 3 dosai and one to the mother who do all the work at home? Girl thinks ( coz the dosa song was about daddy getting 3, bro 2, mother 1 etc) while 2nd is frusrated and ask why her sis interupted, she knows better than Punitha coz Punitha only went to the 8th standard while she have higher studies.Punitha replies.her sister maybe are more educated then her, but she knows that little girls family situation.she should let her students think and not only sing the songs she learn them.
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