Mini Games Vol 1 Collections
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My name is Mikiko and I am a Japanese-german artist who lives and works in London, UK.:) Since 2010 I have been published in Germany (Tokyopop, PYRAMOND) and Australia (Gestalt). Most of my work consists of game art, illustration, storyboarding and comic making. The biggest achievement in my career so far is working for Nintendo, and winning the prestigious Max & Moritz comic prize in 2016 for my graphic novel, Crash'n'burn. I have a cat called Emi and I like travelling. The Book The mini comic book will be an A5 (210x148 mm or 5.83x8.27 inches ) hardcover book with over 100 pages in full colour. It will include all strips uploaded up until the point of the Kickstarter launch, and a couple of bonus pages which are exclusive for this version. As the campaign progresses, more pages might be added than currently planned.